There are two types of users: those who are familiar with the platform and those who are not yet familiar. It is important to support new users and provide them with guidance, rather than immediately deleting their posts without further information. By doing so, we can ensure that all users, both experienced and new, can enjoy using the model they prefer. It's important to note that the storage space required for a LoRA model is relatively small, around 100MB. Therefore, there is no need to download models unnecessarily, as they are not actively maintained. In many cases, users have expressed frustration when their posts were deleted for seemingly trivial reasons. These incidents may discourage users from sharing their work with the community. It is crucial to avoid such unnecessary deletions. Any user familiar with using LoRA can access the "safestensor" file, review the provided examples, and deduce the appropriate usage of the model. Let's strive to create a friendly and supportive environment where all users can benefit from the knowledge and experience of the community.